Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blogging Challenge {Day Four}

Your biggest fear as a single person. 

Fun fact: being real and transparent is the worst for me. So this has been good for me. Forcing myself to be transparent and all that. Anywho... 

My biggest fear as a single person is facing the world alone. And everyone who knows of my introverted-ness probably just got really confused. Anyone who I am close to knows how quickly I can bow out of being with people - whether physically or mentally. 

When I say I want a life companion, I don't mean someone who can help me fill the void with meaningless conversation or constantly be with me. 

My biggest fear is that I will never have anyone to turn to. I know this fear is slightly preposterous because God promises so many times that He will never leave us and He will never forsake us. And God has taught me a lot over the past year about trusting in and turning to Him and Him alone. But there is something to be said about having a human companion. One that you can turn to and they can turn to you. And that kind of relationship is made even more beautiful under the covenant of marriage. 

As God said before He established the first human marriage, "It is not good that man [or woman;)] should be alone." 

This fear is evidence of my oft-returning desire to have God plus. I do not believe it is wrong to desire a human companion. But I have often struggled with making this a wrong thing by putting it as the number one thing in my life, instead of growing my relationship with God. 

No matter where I end up or who I end up (or don't end up) with, I will never truly be alone. 

"Be strong and courageous, 
do not be afraid or tremble at them, 
or the Lord your God 
is the one who goes with you. 
He will not fail you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

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